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Rookie ABM mistakes and how your business can avoid making them!

Rookie ABM Mistakes

In the current economic climate (‘uncertain’ doesn’t even begin to cover it) it’s no surprise that ABM is quickly gaining recognition for its thoughtful, targeted approach and high ROI – in comparison to more impersonal and unpredictable traditional marketing methods.

We’ve been telling people this for years, but it seems like the world is finally waking up to the many benefits of a marketing approach that can transform your business – fast.

ABM focuses on sending the strongest messages to key clients rather than diluting your communications in an attempt to meet everyone’s needs. The old saying is true – you can’t please all of the people, all of the time. With ABM, however, you can meet the needs of the clients most likely to align themselves with your business in the long-term, creating limitless growth opportunities.

If you’ve made the intelligent and rewarding decision to add ABM alongside your existing marketing efforts, here’s AmbitionABM’s top three tips to avoiding rookie errors as you roll out your new strategy:

  1. Choose the right accounts

Selecting which accounts to target based exclusively on sales is an easy approach, but one that may not always pay off in the long-term.

At Ambition ABM, we use many tried and tested strategies and approaches to identify the accounts that will yield the biggest ROI. The selection process is different for every organization and considers multiple factors, including high yield, product fit, strategic importance and competition.

Remember, ABM doesn’t have to be applied exclusively to existing accounts – it can help you network exciting new clients too.

  1. Coordinate your channels.

An inconsistent approach is the worst way to practice ABM. To avoid this, you must coordinate your channels and work cross-functionally in a strategic and collaborative approach. ABM doesn’t work when practiced in silos.

It’s a different way of working that can take some getting used to, which is why so many of our clients rely on us to help coordinate their ABM efforts.

  1. Measure the right metrics.

ABM is the polar opposite of broad-based marketing. Rather than driving lots of cheap leads, ABM seeks to target one important account in many different ways, investing in long-term relationships and both landing and expanding key conquests.

To determine the success of ABM, conventional metrics like leads and conversions are irrelevant.

We help our clients measure a wide range of early stage, mid stage and end late-stage metrics, allowing them to continuously adapt their approaches during each campaign rather than sifting through results once the hard work has already taken place.

ABM is bespoke. It’s intelligent. And it works.

Avoiding common mistakes is a great starting point. We can help with everything else.

For further information please feel free to contact us.


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